Skills4Life Academy
There are so many skills required to be successful in life and work that you don’t learn in school. Skills such as balancing a checkbook, self-care or managing a household are critical to one’s health, happiness and overall success in life. Skills4Life Academy tackles all the topics that everyone must know to become a positive and contributing member of society. These courses are a great addition to any technical college curriculum, employer training or job center training.

Life Readiness
Learn the skills you need to build a happy an successful life. Courses include ways to improve your communications, problem solving, and self confidence.

Work Readiness
Studies have shown that the majority of an employees success is determined by personal skills over technical skills. This training helps employees work more effectively through improvement in communication, dependability, effective problem solving, taking initiative and customer service.

Family Readiness
Success in life means being able to tackle the day-to-day challenges of family life. This training builds skills and confidence in money management, conflict management and social intelligence.